Jamie owns a sightseeing and tour company in the small town of Cooperville, New York. Navigating the holidays with enthusiasm is trickier for Jamie since her husband Matt passed. Matt loved Christmas and found unparalleled joy in giving to others. While reminiscing with family, Jamie realizes the town desperately needs someone with Matt’s genius for thinking of the small gestures that bring genuine happiness to the holidays
Jamie combatte la malinconia delle feste giocando a fare il Babbo Natale segreto nella sua cittadina, ma un attraente reporter vuole smascherare l'anonimo benefattore.
Pour pallier son blues des fêtes, Jamie fait un don anonyme à sa petite ville. Mais un séduisant journaliste est déterminé à démasquer le mystérieux bienfaiteur.
Jamie supera su depresión navideña haciendo de amigo invisible en su pueblo, pero un atractivo periodista está decidido a desenmascarar al anónimo benefactor.