어린 나이지만 파란만장한 인생살이를 경험한 세 청춘들. 아르바이트로 근근히 먹고 살아 가지만 자꾸만 이 세상이 가만두지 않는 재수없는 놈 윤성(김흥수), 에로비디오 출연에 막말 작렬 천상천하 유아독존 싸가지없는 놈 종길(오태경), 여자 등쳐먹으며 살아가는 개념없는 놈 영조(서장원). 그들이 원하는 것은 바로 총! 총으로 한바탕 쓸고 지나가면 인생역전의 기회가 자신들에게도 올 것이라 생각한다. 그런 그들 앞에 장물애비 이감독이 나타나고, 이들의 인생은 처음 계획과는 달리 뒤엉키게 된다. 한편 윤성의 동생 해경(조안)은 스타가 되기를 꿈꾸며 세 명의 나쁜 놈들과 얽히기 시작하는데…
If they are human, they each have something called a dream. This something called a dream looks most beautiful at the top of the sky, the unreachable place. When the struggle for the dream begins, life gets dirty from that time on. The grappling of the blind ends in the lives of those fearless youth who had hoped to change their lives. There is this guy called Yun-seong. He is a good person who lives on the edge of society without complaining particularly, although he is hungry. As he begins to realize only despair in his future, he sees the bleakness of his family as a burden. His self-centeredness and greed invites disaster-his plan to emigrate to Canada vanishes and, as he goes into debt, his downward spiral begins. He asks for help from his friends, Jong-gil and Yeong-jo. The timing is right. Jong-gil and Yeong-jo are planning an armed robbery and readily accept his request
- A Good Night Sleep for the Bad
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