市子(杉咲 花)は、恋人の長谷川義則(若葉竜也)からプロポーズを受けた翌日に、突然失踪。
なぜ、彼女はこのような人生を歩まなければならなかったのか ——。
Kawabe Ichiko has lived with her boyfriend Hasegawa Yoshinori for 3 years. One day, Yoshinori proposes to Ichiko, but, the next day Ichiko disappears. Yoshinori panics and doesn't know what to do. At that time, Detective Goto Shuji visits him. The detective shows a picture of Ichiko to Yoshinori and asks who is this woman? Yoshinori traces her whereabouts. He meets people who have had relationships with her like her old friend and high school classmates. Yoshinori learns about Ichiko shocking past.
Em 12 de agosto de 2015, Hasegawa pediu Ichiko em casamento. Ichiko fica comovida com a proposta de Hasegawa e chora, mas no dia seguinte, ela sai de casa de repente, aparentemente chocada depois de ver o noticiário da TV. Para onde Ichiko foi? Hasegawa relata o desaparecimento à polícia, e o detetive encarregado da investigação conta uma história inesperada.
Português - Brasil