沖縄県・コザ。17歳のアオイは、夫のマサヤと幼い息子の健吾(ケンゴ)と3人で暮らし。おばあに健吾を預け、生活のため友達の海音(ミオ)と朝までキャバクラで働くアオイだったが、 建築現場で働いていた夫のマサヤは不満を漏らし仕事を辞め、アオイの収入だけの生活は益々苦しくなっていく。
マサヤは新たな仕事を探そうともせず、いつしかアオイへ暴力を振るうようになっていた。そんな中、キャバクラにガサ入れが入り、アオイは店で働けなくなる。悪いことは重なり、マサヤが僅かな貯金を持ち出し、姿を消してしまう。仕方なく義母の由紀恵(ユキエ)の家で暮らし始め、昼間の仕事を探すアオイだったがうまくいかず、さらにマサヤが暴力事件を起こし逮捕されたと連絡が入り、多額の被害者への示談金が必要になる。切羽詰まったアオイは、キャバクラの店長からある仕事の誘いを受ける―若くして母となった少女が、連鎖する貧困や暴力に抗おうともがく日々の中で たどり着いた未来とは。
An unadorned perspective on impoverished life in Okinawa, an island in southern Japan whose modern history was tainted by the bloody battle for the Pacific. 17-year-old Aoi works as a nightclub hostess in order to earn rent money and to provide for her little boy. She also supports her lazy husband Masaya, who has no qualms about giving her a few slaps, particularly after he loses his job. What chance does this young family have to scrape their way out of the social mire, where they were driven by poverty and the imprudence of youth? How dark does reality have to get before it stifles the rays of hope that filter through? An intimate story that presents a less glitzy picture of Japan than is customary, demonstrating that social inequality impacts all corners of the globe.
Aои напуска гимназията, за да роди, след което започва работа като хостеса в нощен клуб. Съпругът ѝ Масая е уволнен и не се справя със семейните си задължения. Скандалите помежду им ги отвеждат до задънена улица.
български език