2001년 홍제동 화재 사건을 바탕으로, 누구보다 용감했던 소방관들의 이야기를 다룬 휴먼 실화극
Cheol-woong, a newcomer, is assigned to Rescue Unit of the Fire Station in Seoul. Soon he is sent to his first mission with Jin-seop, a veteran fireman working with a glorious title; the man who saved the highest number of people in the fire. While being overwhelmed by fierce fire and pouring smoke, Cheol-woong witnesses that Jin-seop forces to search the occupant contrary to the chief’s withdrawal order. Just before the fire gobbles up the building, Jin-seop manages to escape with a girl in his arms, but a colleague loses the life. Cheol-woong's fear becomes an anger against Jin-seop, and blames him for his colleague’s death. When their conflict is still at the peak, they’re called for another fire scene which changes their fate for good.
تشيول أونج الوافد الجديد، يتم تعيينه في وحدة الإنقاذ في محطة الإطفاء في سيؤول. سرعان ما يتم إرساله في مهمته الأولى مع جين سوب، رجل الإطفاء المخضرم الذي يعمل بلقب مجيد: الرجل الذي أنقذ أكبر عدد من الأشخاص في الحريق. بينما يطغى عليه الحريق العنيف والدخان المتصاعد، يشهد تشيول أونج أن جين سوب يجبر على تفتيش شاغل المبنى على عكس أمر الانسحاب الذي أصدره رئيس الشرطة