캐나다 워킹홀리데이를 준비하던 취업준비생 진영에게 어느 날 갑자기 찾아온 엄마의 죽음. 아빠가 운영하던 공장에도 문제가 생기고 진영은 아빠를 외면할 수도, 캐나다행을 포기할 수도 없다.
Ahead of the age of 30, the second daughter, Jin-young, who is still preparing for employment, a blunt father who is more comfortable resting in a folding chair in factory than at home, and the mother is the only one who ties this incommunicative father and daughter together. One day, the accident suddenly kills the mother, and only the father and daughter remain in the spacious house where the three families lived.