Giovanni, regista italiano in ambasce tra una moglie in analisi e un produttore sull'orlo del fallimento, ha smesso di credere nell'avvenire. A immagine del suo protagonista, figura di prua dell'Unità e della sezione comunista del Quarticciolo, vuole 'farla finita' col mondo che avanza in direzione ostinata e contraria: la consorte ha deciso di investire su un giovane regista de-genere, la figlia di sposare un uomo (molto) più vecchio di lei, la sua attrice principale di improvvisare l'amore in un racconto politico e poi c'è Netflix che produce cinema in scatola.
Giovanni, cinéaste italien renommé, s’apprête à débuter le tournage d'une fresque politique. Mais entre son couple en crise, son coproducteur au bord de la faillite et le monde du cinéma qui change, tout semble jouer contre lui ! Toujours sur la corde raide, Giovanni va devoir repenser sa manière de faire s’il veut mener tout son petit monde vers un avenir radieux.
Giovanni is a director, who dreams to make a film adaptation from John Cheever's "The Swimmer" with a soundtrack made of many Italian pop songs. He is married to Paola, who works with him as a producer. Together they have a daughter, who is a musician. While Giovanni is busy shooting a film about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Paola starts working on another film production. Giovanni is resentful of Paola's extra professional engagement, as he feels she should concentrate on his career alone. Tension culminates during a visit Giovanni pays to the set of the film Paola is working on, where he openly criticises the director, the plot and the final scene they are shooting. Exasperated with Giovanni's attitude, Paola leaves him the next day. When Giovanni's film encounters financial troubles, Paola comes to his rescue by bringing in a team of South Korean producers. The events prove to have a deep effect on Giovanni, who decides to change the ending of his film and give it a more positive message.