À peine arrivée dans sa nouvelle école, Anya, 10 ans, se révolte contre les garçons qui règnent sur la cour, devenue leur terrain de foot...
Jusqu'où peut aller une dispute entre enfants ? De retour en France après avoir suivi ses parents aux quatre coins du monde, Anya, 10 ans, intègre pour la première fois de sa vie une école publique. Dès le jour de sa rentrée, en cours d’année scolaire, elle reçoit un ballon en pleine tête. Les garçons venus le récupérer refusent de s’excuser. La cour, c’est leur terrain de foot. Un point c’est tout. Anya refuse de se laisser faire. Avec ses nouvelles amies et un garçon fragile du coeur, elle élabore un plan de reconquête de la cour de récréation. La guerre des sexes va prendre une tournure dangereuse.
Sun, sea, homeschooling, Australia: That has been the life of ten-year-old Anya so far. But now, after years of traveling, her parents have decided to return to their native France, and Anya has to attend a public school for the first time in her life. But normal everyday school life quickly causes problems for the newcomer in the class. On the very first day, she gets a shot on the head with a soccer ball. When no one wants to apologize for this, a violent argument immediately ensues. So she messed it up with the soccer boys right from the start. Anya becomes an outsider, which doesn't even really bother her. But Zoé, Nils and Jade, who are neither among the girls who jump rope, nor among the soccer players, nor among the card players, take care of her. A new clique of friends is formed. But the pretty outsider would prefer to be friends with Nathan, the school director's son. But he gives her the cold shoulder because it wouldn't be cool to be interested in girls in front of his buddies. Meanwhile, the girls hatch a plan to win their place in the schoolyard. Under the eyes of the excessively overwhelmed teachers, a real fight ensues between the students and the class is soon strictly divided into genders. Now it's girls against boys. But how far can a dispute between children go?