青丘狐族少主白辰,听姑姑白九烟的劝告,得知自己一千年前被人类救下,一直无法成仙。 现在他只能找到那个人的后代来报答他的恩情。 飞向不朽。 白辰告别姑姑,来到人间,开始了他的报恩之旅。 然而,他并不知道,巨大的危险正在悄然来临……
Bai Chen, the young master of the fox clan in Qingqiu, received advice from his aunt Bai Jiuyan and learned that he had never been able to ascend to immortality because he was rescued by a human being a thousand years ago. Now he can only find the offspring of that person to return his kindness. to fly to immortality. Bai Chen bid farewell to his aunt and came to the world, and started his journey of repaying his gratitude. However, he didn't know that a huge danger was coming quietly...
- Liao Zhai's Male Fox 3: Longevity Tribulation
- Male Fox Tale 3