Aaron, who was struck by lightning, came to the underworld, and all his memories were returned to zero. He must make a choice: reincarnate but may become a snail; or hold a priesthood to accumulate yin virtue and reincarnate as a human being? Aaron decides to become a freshman in Yuelao. He partnered with Pinky, an explosive pink lady, and came to the world to perform tasks. When Aaron met the dog Alu and his master, Mi, his previous life His memories are back, and Xiao Mi is his love during his lifetime. Aaron hopes to help Xiao Mi in Yang Jian find a new marriage, but every red thread tied to Xiao Mi's hand is actually burned! It turns out that some things will not change in ten thousand years. At the same time, Guitoucheng, who fled from the underworld to the world, embarked on a bloody revenge action, looking for the horse thief brother who betrayed and killed him five hundred years ago. While Aaron was still cheering for Mi's failure to tie the red line, Guitoucheng regarded Mi as the next target to be destroyed...
慘遭雷擊而死的阿綸(柯震東 飾)來到陰間,生前所有的記憶歸零。他必須做出選擇:投胎轉世卻可能變成蝸牛;或是擔任神職,累積陰德再修轉世為人的正果?阿綸決定成為月老新鮮人,他與個性爆衝粉紅女Pinky(王淨 飾)搭檔,來到人間執行任務,當阿綸遇見狗狗阿魯以及牽著他的主人小咪時,他前世的記憶都回來了,小咪(宋芸樺 飾)就是他生前的摯愛。阿綸希望能幫助陽間的小咪尋得新的姻緣,但每一條綁在小咪手上的紅線竟然都被燒毀!原來,有些事,一萬年也不會變…
同一時間從陰間逃到人間的鬼頭成(馬志翔 飾),展開腥風血雨的復仇行動,找上五百年前背叛且殺害自己的馬賊兄弟。當阿綸還在為小咪綁不上紅線雀躍時,鬼頭成卻將小咪視為下一個要毀滅的目標…
惨遭雷击而死的阿纶(柯震东 饰)来到阴间,生前所有的记忆归零。他必须做出选择:投胎转世却可能变成蜗牛;或是担任神职,累积阴德再修转世为人的正果?阿纶决定成为月老新鲜人,他与个性爆冲粉红女Pinky(王净 饰)搭档,来到人间执行任务,当阿纶遇见狗狗阿鲁以及牵着他的主人小咪时,他前世的记忆都回来了,小咪(宋芸桦 饰)就是他生前的挚爱。阿纶希望能帮助阳间的小咪寻得新的姻缘,但每一条绑在小咪手上的红线竟然都被烧毁。原来,有些事,一万年也不会变……
同一时间从阴间逃到人间的鬼头成(马志翔 饰),展开腥风血雨的复仇行动,找上五百年前背叛且杀害自己的马贼兄弟。当阿纶还在为小咪绑不上红线雀跃时,鬼头成却将小咪视为下一个要毁灭的目标……