‘조선’, ‘동아’ 스스로 권력이 된 그들
모든 역사를 뒤집어야 합니다
1985년 동아일보와 조선일보는 느닷없이 ‘친일 공방’을 벌인다. 누가 더 ‘친일지’고 ‘민족지’인지 다투는 이전투구였다. 두 신문이 한사코 감추려 한 ‘일제의 앞잡이’ 역사를 추적한다.
밤의 대통령
일제가 가고 두 신문 앞에 새로운 권력이 나타났다. 이들은 박정희, 전두환 군부 독재 정권에 굴복하고, 유착하면서 그 대가로 덩치를 키워 소위 ‘밤의 대통령’이라고 불린 영향력을 행사했다. 반면 권력과 사주에 맞서 자유언론을 지키려던 두 신문 소속 언론인 수백 명은 차디찬 거리로 쫓겨났다.
악의 축
1987년 민주화 이후 확보된 언론 자유의 공간이 아이러니하게 족벌신문 사주에게 날개를 달아줬다. 두 족벌은 정관계 및 재벌과 인맥, 혼맥으로 이어진 거대한 네트워크를 구축하고 종편 등 수십 개 계열사를 거느리며 ‘불가사리’ 같은 권력이 됐다. 대통령 노무현은 언론개혁을 시도했으나 거대 기득권 언론 앞에 작고 외로운 섬일 뿐이었다. 두 족벌 미디어 기업은 ‘특판’, ‘기사형 광고’, ‘반사회적 광고’ 물량에서도 1, 2위를 다툰다. 이들은 4대, 5대 세습을 하며, 2020년 창간 100주년을 맞아 ‘진실의 수호자’. ‘더 나은 100년’을 외친다.
"Chosun" and "Dong-A" themselves became power
Their history must be reversed
Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo, which celebrated their 100th anniversary in 2020, boasted that the past 100 years were a history of resisting Japanese colonial rule and resisting dictatorship. But are they really proud of their history? The Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo posted photos of the Japanese emperor and his wife on the front page of the newspaper every major anniversary of Japan's colonial rule on Japanese colonial era. The Chosun Ilbo was as loyal to the Japanese as it was to the authorities of the Japanese Government-General of Korea. However, the two newspapers have been claiming that they have resisted Japan since its liberation. Even under the dictatorship, the two newspapers were on the side of new power. They defended Park Chung-hee's May 16 military coup d'état, Yushin Constitution, and the declaration of martial law. On the other hand, reporters who fought against the oppression of the media by the dictatorship kicked them out with disciplinary action and dismissal. Under Chun Doo-hwan's dictatorship, his flattery toward power in Joseon and East Asia has become even worse. While claiming Chun Doo-hwan as "a traitor of the new era" and "a leader of the new era," he accused the Gwangju Uprising of "violence" and "scheming of the rebellious." In an attempt to rectify the power of the media, the Roh Moo-hyun administration constantly attacked when they announced it would reform the vested media.
What would the two newspapers, Chosun and Dong-A, look like in their 100th anniversary? The Chosun Ilbo and Dong-A Ilbo owners have huge real estate holdings across the country. It is the fourth generation of media giants with dozens of affiliates. The government is also recklessly making money for various types of people who ignore journalistic ethics. They published a series of articles that destroyed readers' trust, wrote promotional articles with money from companies and pseudo-re
- Media Mafia: a Tale of Two Newspapers