児童相談所で働く⼩春は、⾃転⾞屋を営む実家で⽗と妹と祖⽗と4 ⼈暮らし。母に捨てられた過去を抱えながらも、幸せでも不幸せでもない平凡な毎⽇を送っていました。しかしある夜、怒涛の不幸に襲われ⼀晩ですべてを失ってしまいます。そんな彼女に手を差し伸べたのが、8 歳の娘・ヒカリを男⼿ひとつで育てる開業医の⼤悟。優しく、裕福な⼤悟は、まさに王⼦様。「ただ幸せになりたい」と願う小春は、出会って間もない彼のプロポーズを受け⼊れ、不幸のどん底から⼀気に幸せの頂点へ駆け上がりました。シンデレラの物語ならここで“めでたしめでたし”。しかし小春の物語はそこでは終わりませんでした・・・
Koharu is a child welfare services staff whose mother abandoned her when she was young, leaving her with heavy feelings of envy and longing towards mother figures. One night, a wave of unfortunate events suddenly thrusts Koharu into a pit of despair. She is rescued by Daigo, a rich doctor in private practice she meets by coincidence. Koharu is drawn to Daigo, a strong figure who alleviates all of Koharu’s problems. Daigo is a widower, raising his only daughter Hikari by himself. One day, Daigo proposes to Koharu, asking her to “become Hikari’s mother.” Koharu would live a life envied by all ... or so it seemed.
- Aishu Cinderella
- Melancholy