По мотивам одноименной сказки Ганса Христиана Андерсена. Москвичи Кай и Грета жили в мире и согласии, крепко любили друг друга. Они были дружны с детства и даже собирались пожениться. Но однажды во время поездки Кай увидел неприступную красавицу, влюбился и уехал с ней. Кай строго-настрого запретил Грете искать его, но девушка не послушалась. А дальше все снова было как в сказке: Грета отправилась за любимым, надеясь растопить его ледяное сердце.
Muscovites Kai and Greta lived in peace and harmony, loved each other dearly. They have been friends since childhood and were even going to get married. But once during a trip, Kai saw an unapproachable beauty, fell in love and left with her. Kai strictly forbade Greta to look for him, but the girl did not obey. And then everything was again like in a fairy tale: Greta went for her beloved, hoping to melt his icy heart.
Muscovites Kai and Greta lived in peace and harmony, loved each other dearly. They have been friends since childhood and were even going to get married. But once during a trip, Kai saw an unapproachable beauty, fell in love and left with her. Kai strictly forbade Greta to look for him, but the girl did not obey. And then everything was again like in a fairy tale: Greta went for her beloved, hoping to melt his icy heart.
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