David Stone, his ex-girlfriend, Sara, and six other youth, five men, one with a morbid fear of bugs, and a woman, decide to go to the Shankali, Hyderabad, India to explore an underground cave. At the outskirts of the city, they are met by their tourist guide, Kafi, and taken several miles underground. This is where their trip will turn into an nightmare as an underground quake will block their return path, virtually burying them amongst giant centipedes.
David Stone, his ex-girlfriend, Sara, and six other youth, five men, one with a morbid fear of bugs, and a woman, decide to go to the Shankali, Hyderabad, India to explore an underground cave. At the outskirts of the city, they are met by their tourist guide, Kafi, and taken several miles underground. This is where their trip will turn into an nightmare as an underground quake will block their return path, virtually burying them amongst giant centipedes.
David három hónap múlva megnősül. Extrémsport-rajongó barátai rábeszélésére még utoljára, legénybúcsú gyanánt belevág egy különleges vállalkozásba. Az indiai Sankali barlangrendszerhez utaznak egy adrenalinszint növelő túrára. A kaland azonban nem várt fordulatot hoz, amikor egy baleset során beszakad a barlang egyetlen ismert kijárata. A csapat minden tudását és erejét beveti, hogy kiutat találjon a barlangból, de nem csak az ismeretlen helyszín, hanem egy titokzatos és gyilkos szenvedéllyel megáldott prehistórikus lénnyel is meg kell küzdeniük az életben maradáshoz.
David Stone, his ex-girlfriend, Sara, and six other youth, five men, one with a morbid fear of bugs, and a woman, decide to go to the Shankali, Hyderabad, India to explore an underground cave. At the outskirts of the city, they are met by their tourist guide, Kafi, and taken several miles underground. This is where their trip will turn into an nightmare as an underground quake will block their return path, virtually burying them amongst giant centipedes.
Eine Gruppe Jugendlicher macht eine Reise nach Indien, um die Shankali Höhle zu besuchen. Sie wollen dort Bergsteigen und Davids Junggesellenabschied feiern. Nach einem Vorfall mit einer großen Kreatur stürzt die Höhle ein und die Gruppe muss nach einem anderen Ausweg suchen. Sie entdecken ein Nest mit Riesenhundertfüßlern und müssen sich darauf fortwährenden Angriffen wiedersetzen. Nach und nach fällt einer nach dem anderen den Monstern zum Opfer...
David Stone, his ex-girlfriend, Sara, and six other youth, five men, one with a morbid fear of bugs, and a woman, decide to go to the Shankali, Hyderabad, India to explore an underground cave. At the outskirts of the city, they are met by their tourist guide, Kafi, and taken several miles underground. This is where their trip will turn into an nightmare as an underground quake will block their return path, virtually burying them amongst giant centipedes.
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