少年サンデーで連載中の同名人気コミックを映画化した劇場公開作品第2弾。主人公ガッシュの友達としておなじみの「バルカン300」が巨大になって大暴れするストーリーは、スケールの大きいエンターテインメント・ムービーに仕上がっている。原作者の雷句誠も出来栄えを絶賛しているだけに、絵、音、物語のどれをとっても完成度の高い作品として楽しめる。 モチノキ町に突然現れた謎の巨大物体に、清麿が連れ去られてしまった。一方、巨大な機械型バルカンが現れ、大喜びしていたガッシュだが…
Kiyo viene rapito da un inventore pazzo, che ha costruito un esercito di Vulcan 300 meccanici. Zatch riesce a fare amicizia con l'unico Vulcan 300 buono, che lo ha aiutato contro la perfida Naomi. Nel frattempo Zatch, Kiyo, Tia, Megumi, Kanchome, Folgore, Ponygon e Sumbeam, devono combattere e distruggere un rombo di energia. L'inventore si oppone, ma Zatch non si arrenderà.
The movie begins with a mysterious figure, Dr. M2, rallying a group of robots that he calls Death Mechanics (which all look like gigantic robotic blue versions of Vulcan, a plastic box with wooden sticks for arms that Kiyomaro "gifted" to Gash). He orders one of the units, Death 18, to kidnap Kiyomaro. Meanwhile, Kiyomaro is rushing to get to the bus for Coast School, since he slept in late. He leaves Gash behind, who chases after Kiyomaro. During the chase, Vulcan, who Gash brought along with him, is partially broken. Stuck in a tree and unable to stop Kiyomaro, Gash asks him if he'll at least fix Vulcan, but Kiyomaro says that he'll "make him a new one". As Kiyomaro tries to chase the already-moving bus down, his friends spot him and try to tell the others to stop the bus. However, while they're not paying attention, Death 18 swoops down from the sky and abducts Kiyomaro, carrying him away and leaving his friends baffled.