When the 26-year-old Civics teacher, Kevin, openly voices his stance on marriage equality at school, he stirs up a storm. His being madly in love with an HIV positive man doesn't sit well with all the people around him. When a rumour breaks out about his HIV status, he is forced to make choices no one should have to.
Kevin,二十六歲,公民老師,同志。對學生及同事溫和有禮,下班之餘參與同志運動,在茫茫人海中尋找愛情。因緣際會下,Kevin 愛上一名有愛滋的已婚男子。母親不諒解這段感情,感染的恐懼與正妻的脅迫夾擊,校園更開始傳出流言蜚語。眾說紛紜、眾敵環伺,原來當全世界都反對時,愛一個人是這麼的困難⋯⋯。