学生時代から「自分を好きになってくれる女性」ばかりと 受け身の恋愛を繰り返してきた、大伴恭一。ある日、大学 の後輩・今ヶ瀬渉と7年ぶりに再会。「昔からずっと好き だった」と突然想いを告げられる。戸惑いを隠せない恭一 だったが、今ヶ瀬のペースに乗せられ、ふたりは一緒に暮 らすことに。ただひたすらにまっすぐな想いに、恭一も少 しずつ心を開いていき…。しかし、恭一の昔の恋人・夏生 が現れ、ふたりの関係が変わりはじめてゆく。
Cinematographic adaptation of the manga by Setona Mizushiro.
Kyoichi Otomo works at an advertising company and because of his indecisive nature, he repeatedly has affairs. One day, a man appears in front of him. The man is Wataru Imagase who graduated from the same university as Kyoichi. It's the first time they met since they graduated.
Kyoichi's wife had hired Imagase to investigate his husband infidelity. Fortunately Imagase agrees to keep his old university friend's secret, but in exchange he wants to claims Kyoichi's body as he liked him for the seven past years...
Between the two men, it's the beginning of a love story that will not fail to make your heart ache.
- Kyuuso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru
- Kyūso wa Cheese no Yume wo Miru
- The Cornered Dreams of Cheese
Cinematographic adaptation of the manga by Setona Mizushiro. The beginning of a love story between two mens that will not fail to make your heart ache.