乱闘者は森に入ります。 森は小さく、暗く、豊かでした。 その天蓋にはカラマツ、ポプラ、クルミが特徴でしたが、もやしのモトリーが下の湿った肥沃な下の層に広がるために、まだたくさんの光がそれらの冠を通過しました。 喧嘩屋は人々が道を見つけるのを助けるように言われた、なぜなら彼らはH.E.R.
The brawlers enters the forest. The forest was small, dark, and rich. Its canopy was marked by larch, poplar, and walnut, still plenty of light passed through their crowns for a motley of sprouts to spread in the moist and fertile bottom layer below. The brawlers were told to help the people find the way out because they were told they were stranded by H.E.R.X, a team stronger and relevant to H.E.R.