そんな中、コウチュ、シャンジ、サクロ、ロアキジュシクらが銀行強盗をやめた後、夜になるとマルクからクウチに困ったメッセージが届いた。 彼は世界がXYZによって破壊される前にグッチタワーのすべての盾を集めるようにコウチュに命じました。
Marc appears at Iccryst's quarters and was told that there is a new threat coming from space to the Crystal World. A new threat makes an appearance of a new evil character, XYZ. XYZ have stolen Marc's soul in order to do a favor for Devil J to gather all the Crystal Balls around the Crystal World. Meanwhile, after Kouchu Misako, Shauna Genga, Sakuro Himensho, Roaracryst, and the others stopped the bank robbery, at night time, Kouchu was given a message from Marc that he is in trouble. He ordered Kouchu to gather all the shields in Great Tower before the world is destroyed by XYZ.