The Ocean’s series is a collection of American heist films anchored by a trilogy edited, directed or produced by Steven Soderbergh. The original three films were released between 2001 and 2007. The trilogy is often cited as defining its genre and leading to a proliferation and commercialization of heist films throughout the world.
Less than 24 hours into his parole, charismatic thief Danny Ocean and his partner-in-crime Rusty Ryan recruit a team of specialists to attempt to rob three Las Vegas casinos to exact revenge on Danny's rival, Terry Benedict. But when they begin hatching their plan, they realize it'll be much harder than they initially thought.
Under pressure to repay a ruthless foe, debonair criminal Danny Ocean and his crew reunite for a European caper that pits them against a master thief.
Danny Ocean's team of criminals are back and composing a plan more personal than ever. When ruthless casino owner Willy Bank double-crosses Reuben Tishkoff, causing a heart attack, Danny Ocean vows that he and his team will do anything to bring down Willy Bank along with everything he's got. Even if it means asking for help from an enemy.