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Ju-on: The Grudge Franchise

The cult Japanese horror franchise Ju-on revolves around a curse created by a murdered housewife in a house in Nerima. It was said that when one person dies with a deep and burning rage, a curse is born. The curse gathers in the place where that person has died or where they were frequent at (in the series' case, the house in Nerima) and repeats itself there. The franchise consists, to date, of ten films.

Português - Portugal English
  • TheTVDB.com List ID 13101
  • Created By BlackSpirits
  • List Type Official
  • Favorites 1
  • Created December 12, 2021 by
    BlackSpirits mod
  • Modified August 31, 2022 by



呪怨 ビデオ版



Ju-on: The Grudge 2


Like the rest of the ''Ju-On'' series, the film takes place over a period of time, and is told in a non-linear order as six overlapping vignettes. The overarching plot involves the haunted house of the deceased Saeki family, whose brutal murders caused by Kayako Saeki’s crush on another man led to the creation of a vengeful curse. Anyone who enters the house will eventually be consumed by the ghosts of the Saeki family. The vignettes are presented in the following order: Kyoko (京子), Tomoka (朋香), Megumi (恵), Keisuke (圭介), Chiharu (千春), and Kayako (伽椰子). The plot will be told chronologically.

Ju-on: Black Ghost


''Black Ghost'' is divided into seven segments in the following order: Tetsuya (徹也), Yuko (裕子), Ayano (綾乃), Fukie (芙季絵), Yokota (横田), Mariko (真理子), and Kiwako (季和子).

Ju-on: White Ghost


''White Ghost'' is divided into eight segments in the following order: Fumiya (文哉), Kashiwagi (柏木), Akane (あかね), Isobe (磯部), Chiho (千穂), Mirai (未来), Yasukawa (安川), and Atsushi (篤).

Ju-on: The Beginning of the End


Continuing the trademark of the series, ''Beginning of the End'' is divided into eight segments presented in an anachronistic order, each titled after a character central to that segment. They are, in the following order: Yui (結衣), Nanami (七海), Kayako (伽椰子), Yayoi (弥生), Rina (莉奈), Aoi (葵), Naoto (直人), and Toshio (俊雄). The synopsis presents a rough chronology of the film's plot.

Ju-on: The Final Curse


Like previous films in the series, ''Ju-on: The Final Curse'' is told in an anachronistic order through eight vignettes titled after characters featured in the story. They are, in order: Mai (麻衣), Reo (玲央), Ena (絵菜), Madoka (まどか), Toshio (俊雄), Midori (碧), Sota (奏太), and Kayako (伽椰子). The synopsis presents a rough chronology of the film's plot.