The series centers on Ren Höek, a short-tempered, psychotic, "asthma-hound" Chihuahua Dog, and Stimpson J. "Stimpy" Cat, a dimwitted and happy-go-lucky cat.
The Rufus collection consists of one film released in 2016 and a second film released in 2017. Both films center around Manny, who has moved to a new school where it's not easy to fit in. After wishing he had more friends, Manny finds a mysterious collar and puts it on Rufus, the family dog. Suddenly, Rufus turns into a boy! Eventually Rufus meets a girl named Kat who asks him to go out. Kat is a cat who can also turn into a human as well.
Phase One, also known as Avengers Assembled, is the first part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the first part of The Infinity Saga.
ABC's tv shows "The Good Doctor" and it's spin-off "The Good Lawyer".
The Duel Masters Trading Card Game is a two-player or two vs. two team collectible card game (CCG) jointly developed by Wizards of the Coast and Takara Tomy (itself an affiliate of Hasbro, which owns WotC). Several animes were adapted based on this card game.
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