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Court Shows Produced by Entertainment Studios

TV Shows produced by Entertainment Studios as part of their court show lineup

  • List ID 8034
  • Created By Webm07
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  • Favorites 1
  • Created May 20, 2021 by
  • Modified May 20, 2021 by

Supreme Justice with Judge Karen


Small-claim court cases in a drama filled court room with Judge Karen.

The Verdict with Judge Hatchett


Judge Glenda Hatchett presided over her self-titled courtroom show from 2000-2008. Now, she returns to the medium with ``The Verdict.'' In the half-hour series, the Atlanta native and former juvenile-court judge rules over small-claims cases brought in front of her. Hatchett's courtroom isn't just about finding someone guilty, though. She also uses her experience dealing with young people and her tough-love approach to help send a message to out-of-control juvenile offenders to try to set them on the right track in their lives.

America's Court With Judge Ross


Kevin Ross, who was the youngest judge ever elected to serve in California, uses innovative tactics combined with a dose of tough love to convince plaintiffs and defendants to take responsibility for their actions and face up to their misdeeds.

Justice With Judge Mablean


Judge Mablean Ephriam, who presided over "Divorce Court" from 1999-2006 as the first star of the revived version of the show, returns to the courtroom genre with his half-hour series that deals with life and the law. The former Los Angeles-based prosecutor takes on the typical cases that are found on TV court shows. The arbitrator says that her show "will be life because everything we do, it involves the law."

We The People With Gloria Allred


Gloria Allred stars in her own courtroom series, where she takes her seat at the bench. Pulling from her nearly 40 years of experience in the legal field, Gloria dives into the often complex and serious facets of the cases brought before her. Each episode brings with it new cases and a new set of plaintiffs and defendants who must provide sufficient evidence to prove or disprove the complaints that have been brought forward. While both sides lay out their versions of the details surrounding their case, Allred questions and tests the weight of the litigants stories against the letter and spirit of the law. Ultimately, it is Judge Gloria Allred, through her wit and wisdom, who must make the final ruling before the courtroom.