DuckTales is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation. The original cartoon series ran for a total of 100 episodes over four seasons. DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp was released nationwide in the United States on August 3, 1990. DuckTales is an American animated television series produced by Disney Television Animation. The reboot ran for a total of 68 episodes over three seasons. This Duckburg Life is a podcast spinoff of the series of seven episodes.
When Donald Duck decides to join the Navy, he leaves his nephews, Huey, Dewey and Louie, in the care of his cantankerous Uncle Scrooge. He is an eccentric and miserly billionare who loves to literally swim in his money that is held in his corporate headquarters/vault known as the Money Bin. While the initial meeting was less than pleasant, events soon have them, along with a newly hired nanny, her daughter and Scrooge's stupid but skilled pilot, on countless adventures as the group goes around the world looking for treasure, or defending Scrooge's current assets from enemies like the Beagle Boys or Magica De Spell.
When Donald Duck's nephews are sent to live with their Uncle Scrooge, they discover a model ship that contains a map to a treasure.
Scrooge McDuck, everyone's favorite rich uncle, treks from his mansion home in Duckburg in search of the long-lost loot of the legendary thief Collie Baba, with nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie plus niece Webbigail Vanderquack at his side.
Ducktales are the adventures of billionaire Scrooge McDuck and his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, their famous uncle Donald Duck, pilot extraordinaire Launchpad, Mrs. Beakly, Webby and Gizmoduck. Adventures and hidden treasures are everywhere, in their hometown Duckburg and all around the world.
Hosted by Huey Duck for “Duckburg Public Radio,” one episode of the seven-part podcast drops every Monday following the premiere and highlight riveting stories from Duckburg.