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  • TheTVDB.com List ID 6999
  • Created By elvampirojulio7kj
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created October 8, 2020 by
  • Modified October 8, 2020 by



Prepare to be Taken... Taken is a sweeping sci-fi adventure that weaves together the story of three families over three generations and their crucial roles in the history of alien abductions. Set against the backdrop of actual history and UFO lore, Taken creates a powerfully emotional and evocative tale of mankind's encounters with extraterrestrials.



Rosa Ballester (Blanca Portillo), una jueza sin escrúpulos, Joaquín de la Torre (José Coronado), un empresario con mucho que perder, Jorge Vega (Daniel Grao), un funcionario incorruptible, Laura Nieto (Silvia Abascal), una fotógrafa que se verá envuelta sin quererlo en la conspiración, junto a su hermana Sonia Nieto (Ana Allen) y Alex de la Torre (Alberto Amarilla), un joven con ambiciones de poder, se ven envueltos en una investigación judicial que cruzará sus vidas y les situará al borde del precipicio. La jueza Ballester deberá caminar una vez más sobre la fina línea que separa la ley de la justicia en un nuevo e inquietante caso, en el que una niña se convertirá en el centro de una compleja investigación. El caso Metrópolis se ha cerrado y, aunque la sentencia no ha dejado satisfechos ni a asunto y seguir adelante. Sin embargo, estas pretensiones no son correspondidas ni por su mayor enemigo, Joaquín de la Torre, ni por su compañero de juego, Jorge Vega, que clama venganza y culpa a Rosa Ballester de la muerte de su novia embarazada. Ballester dejará otra vez sus compromisos familiares y se verá arrastrada a un nuevo y trepidante caso: un misterioso asesino que se hace llamar Job pone en jaque a la jueza y a sus colaboradores...



"24" is a TV thriller presented in "real time" with each minute of airtime that corresponds to a minute in the lives of the characters. "24" employs fast-paced and complex stories, and often contains unexpected plot twists. Though each day's events typically revolve around thwarting an impending terrorist attack, each season is made up of various interwoven story threads. These may run for just one hour, but more usually run over several hours. These typically involve investigations of leads on terrorists, tracking suspects, and averting attacks. The exact objective of the day evolves over the course of the season as the antagonists adapt, contingencies arise, and larger scale operations unfold.

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Now that the existence of super heroes and aliens has become public knowledge, the world is trying to come to grips with this new reality. Agent Phil Coulson is back in action and now has his eye on a mysterious group called The Rising Tide. In order to track this unknown enemy, he has assembled a small, highly select group of agents from the law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. The team has a mission: To investigate the new, the strange and the unknown around the globe, protecting the ordinary from the extraordinary.