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Open Water [Saga]

Open Water is a 2003 psychological horror film loosely based on the true story of an American couple, Tom and Eileen Lonergan, who, in 1998, went out with a scuba diving group, Outer Edge Dive Company, on the Great Barrier Reef, and were accidentally left behind as the crew failed to take an accurate headcount. Two in-name only sequels were made; the first In 2006, entitled Adrift; the second in 2017, entitled Cage Dive, which follows the first film's plot of being a survival shark film, again remains unrelated in continuity.

  • TheTVDB.com List ID 16723
  • Created By toni kaku
  • List Type Custom
  • On Other Sites TheMovieDB.com
  • Genre Drama Horror Thriller
  • Favorites 1
  • Created January 31, 2025 by
    toni kaku
  • Modified January 31, 2025 by
    toni kaku

Open Water


Two divers are left out at sea without a boat. There’s nothing but water for miles, unless they look at what’s underneath them...

Open Water 2: Adrift


A weekend cruise on a luxurious party yacht goes horribly wrong for a group of old high-school friends when they get stuck in the water many miles from shore and a happy reunion turns into a fight for survival.

Open Water 3: Cage Dive


Three friends filming an audition tape for an extreme reality-TV show find themselves stranded in shark-infested waters, turning their recording into a bloody diary of death. Do they have what it takes to survive the open water?