The Twisted Childhood Universe (TCU) is a British film series and shared universe of independent slasher-horror films, each serving as a dark reimagining of various public domain fairy tale media characters.
After being abandoned by a college-bound Christopher Robin, Pooh and Piglet go on a rampage.
Pooh and friends leave the 100 Acre Wood to take their fight to the quiet community of Ashdown.
The famous story of Peter Pan has been reimagined with a horrific twist.
Will team Winnie the Pooh with murderous versions of figures including Bambi, Tinkerbell, Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Tigger, Piglet, The Mad Hatter and Sleeping Beauty for an IP-bludgeoning frenzy due.
Third installment of the now Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey trilogy.