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Dancing with the Stars

Dancing with the Stars is the name of various international television series based on the format of the British TV series Strictly Come Dancing, which is distributed by BBC Studios, the commercial arm of the BBC.

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  • Created March 4, 2024 by
  • Modified March 4, 2024 by

Strictly Come Dancing


Dazzling routines, outrageous sets, flamboyant costumes and the occasional dance dis-aaa-ster.

Dancing with the Stars (AU)


Dancing with the Stars pairs celebrities with professional ballroom dancers who each week compete against each other in a dance-off to impress a panel of judges and ultimately the viewing public in order to survive potential elimination. Through a telephone and SMS voting, viewers vote for the duo they think should remain in the competition. Judges' scores are combined with the viewer votes when determining which duo is eliminated.

Ballando con le Stelle


Ballando con le stelle è un programma televisivo italiano in onda dal 2005 su Rai 1 in prima serata, condotto da Milly Carlucci con la partecipazione di Paolo Belli. Il programma è l'adattamento italiano del talent show Strictly Come Dancing, format britannico della BBC.

Dancing with the Stars


The American version of the British “Strictly Come Dancing” sees celebrities perform choreographed dance routines which are judged by a panel of renowned ballroom experts and voted on by viewers. Enjoy sizzling salsas, sambas and spray-tans as they vie for the coveted Mirrorball Trophy!

Skal vi danse


Talentkonkurranse der norske kjendiser danser med profesjonelle selskapsdansere og blir rangert av et dommerpanel og av TV-seerne.

Ples sa zvijezdama


Nova TV ovog proljeća vraća na male ekrane najveći plesni show koji okuplja najjače hrvatske zvijezde i vrhunske profesionalne plesače. Ples donosi radost, pozitivno utječe na naše zdravlje i raspoloženje, jača imunitet i umanjuje stres, a show će nam donijeti i dašak glamura u svakodnevne živote – plesom ćemo ovog proljeća slaviti život! U plesnim izazovima zabavne i popularne TV poslastice okušat će se uskoro plesni parovi koji će prirediti pravi glazbeno-scenski spektakl za pamćenje.

רוקדים עם כוכבים


התוכנית עוקבת אחר תחרות ריקודים של מספר זוגות, המורכבים מרקדן מקצועי וכוכב בידור מוכר וחסר ניסיון בריקודים סלוניים, אשר מתחרים על התואר "מלך ומלכת רחבת הריקודים". הזוגות, אשר במהלך התוכנית מספרם מצטמצם עקב ניפוי על בסיס שבועי, מופיעים עם ריקוד חדש עליו התאמנו במהלך השבוע. על הריקוד מוערכים המתמודדים על ידי ארבעה שופטים מקצועיים בתחום וכן על ידי הקהל בבית, הבוחר באמצעות מסרונים. הזוג שקיבל את הניקוד הנמוך ביותר באותו השבוע, על סמך שקלול ניקוד השופטים והצבעות הקהל בבית (באופן שווה), מודח מהתוכנית וכך עד לזוג שנותר אחרון בתוכנית, שהוא "הזוג הזוכה".

Danse avec les stars


Des célébrités faisant ou ayant fait carrière dans un autre domaine que la danse sont associées à des professionnels de la danse qui font également office de professeurs. Après une semaine de répétitions, chaque célébrité se produit en direct, accompagnée de son partenaire de danse, en vue d'être jugée par un jury de professionnels d'une part et par le public d'autre part. Après l'affrontement des deux derniers couples dans le classement, chaque semaine, un duo est éliminé.

ცეკვავენ ვარსკვლავები


ბრიტანული შოუს Strictly Come Dancing-ის ქართული ანალოგი.

Strictly Come Dancing Nederland


Strictly Come Dancing was een programma van de AVRO rond ballroomdansen. De show wordt gepresenteerd door Reinout Oerlemans en Kim-Lian van der Meij.

Dança com as Estrelas


Dança com as Estrelas é a versão portuguesa do programa de televisão americano «Dancing with the Stars». É transmitido pela TVI e é apresentada por Rita Pereira e Pedro Teixeira. O objetivo do programa é reunir celebridades para aprenderem a dançar juntamente com profissionais altamente qualificados em danças de salão. A cada semana, cada par apresenta um ou dois ritmos de dança standard e/ou dança latina para o grupo de jurados que dão as suas pontuações. Através de uma votação por telefone, os telespectadores também podem votar no concorrente que querem que se mantenha em competição, sendo depois ambas as votações combinadas. A cada semana o par que somar menos pontos é eliminado do programa.

Dancing with the Stars (NZ)


Professional dancers pair with kiwi celebrities to train and compete in ballroom dancing, battling it out in order to take home the coveted mirrorball trophy.

Dancing with the Stars (IE)


The Irish version of this hit reality series is hosted by Amanda Byram and Nicky Byrne. The judging panel consists of Julian Benson, Loraine Barry, and Brian Redmond. Dancing With The Stars Ireland broadcasts Sundays from 8 January 2017.

Dancing with the Stars - Mindenki táncol


A TV2 show-műsorában 12 híresség vállalkozik arra, hogy megmutassa tánctudását profi párja oldalán. Táncparkettre lép Gabriela Spanic és Andrei Mangra, Osvárt Andrea és Suti András, Marsi Anikó és Vas Zsolt, Pásztor Anna és Köcse György, Gelencsér Tímea és Hegyes Bertalan, Détár Enikő és Baranya Dávid, Istenes László és Czina Boglárka, Noszály Sándor és Mikes Anna, Horváth Tamás és Sipos Viktória, Tóth Dávid és Lissák Laura, Emilió és Tóth Orsolya, valamint Győrfi Dani és Stana Alexandra.