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Spiff & Hercules

Spiff and Hercules is a French comic strip featuring an anthropomorphic brown-yellow dog named Spiff and a black-white cat named Hercules, who, despite being best friends, are constantly fighting in a friendship/hate relationship.

English français
  • TheTVDB.com List ID 15074
  • Created By vincent2n
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 2
  • Created March 7, 2023 by
  • Modified March 7, 2023 by

Piff und Herkules


Der Hund Piff und der Kater Herkules sind beste Freunde. Gemeinsam bestehen sie Abenteuer und schlagen sich in immer wieder anderen Jobs durch. Die Serie basierte auf der gleichnamigen französischen Comicreihe. In Deutschland waren die Geschichten in der Kinderzeitschrift "YPS" erschienen. Die Serienfolgen liefen samstagmorgens.

The 1001 Gags of Spiff & Hercules


Hercule wishes to be recognized at last as the star that he always was. He does not accept that Pif, this fleabag, can delight stardom. He decides, therefore, on an impulse, to change his life and retire to a deserted island- or the nearest thing: to relate his career and write his own film. In a paradise-like setting, Hercule recounts the biggest roles of his career. Pif isn't absent from his memories, but Hercule still considers him to be a fifth wheel... However, this, in reality, is not exactly the case.

Pif, l'envers du gadget


Véritable phénomène de presse des années 1970-1980, l'hebdomadaire Pif gadget a incarné la tradition qui liait la BD au combat politique. Retour sur la saga d’un titre culte qui a inculqué des valeurs fondatrices à ses lecteurs.