The Magic School Bus is an American edutainment media franchise that includes a book series, a TV series, a streaming series, and video games. Each of the stories within the franchise centers on the antics of a fictional elementary school teacher, Ms. Frizzle, and her class, who board a "magic school bus", which takes them on field trips to unusual times and locations, such as the Cretaceous Period, outer space, and inside a human body.
A classroom taught by Ms. Valerie Frizzle is always fun and exciting. The colorful teacher owns a Magic School Bus which can transform into different things like a spaceship, a battery, or even an alligator! These things can help Ms. Frizzle with visual teaching methods as she reveals information about anything in science. The students include Carlos, Phoebe, Keesha, Dorothy Ann, Tim, Ralphie, Arnold, and Wanda. Originally, The Magic School Bus aired on PBS. But when production ceased after four years, The Magic School Bus's run on PBS ended with it.
Part 1: Sound. The class is thrilled about its upcoming concert at the Sound Museum -- until they discover the spooky mansion is more of a thrill than they bargained for. Part 2: Bats. When Ms. Frizzle invites the class' parents in to see that their kids are learning about bats, Ralph and the gang are convinced the Friz is a vampire.
Ms. Frizzle's kid sister Fiona takes the wheel at Walkerville Elementary, leading the class on wild adventures packed with science-fueled fun.
Blast into orbit - and into the International Space Station - only to find themselves on the run from a giant tardigrade.
Lightning splits the Magic School Bus into three pieces, scattering the class across the globe with different versions of Ms. Frizzle aboard each bus!
Ms. Frizzle's class sees every show on a pop star's New Year's Eve tour, learning about time zones as they attend all her concerts on the same night.