Mega Man, known as Rockman in Japan, is a Japanese science fiction video game franchise created by Capcom, starring a series of robot characters each known by the moniker "Mega Man". The original game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1987, and spawned a franchise that expanded to over 50 games on multiple systems. As of July 26, 2022, the series has sold 38 million units worldwide.
Mega Man is a robot created by a brilliant scientist named Dr. Light, who hoped many his many creations would only be used for good. One day however, a mad scientist named Dr. Wily stole Light's original 6 robots and creation plans. From them he began creating a whole new series of robots, with one goal... World Domination! But Dr. Light gave Mega Man the ultimate trump card when he built him. Mega Man possesses the ability to absorb the powers of other robots. Now Mega Man and his best friend, a robotic dog named Rush fight for everlasting peace against the evil Dr. Wily!