The Qwaser of Stigmata (Japanese: 聖痕のクェイサー, Hepburn: Seikon no Kueisā) is a Japanese manga series authored by Hiroyuki Yoshino featuring art by Kenetsu Satō. The series is notable for its violence, fan service, and the use of vital energy coming from women's breasts (referred to as Soma) as a central plot device. There are plenty of scenes of foreplay and other entertainment in this series. It’s also called “the milk-drinker anime” or “that anime about the boy who suckles during battles.”
クェイサー。 女性から聖乳<ソーマ>と呼ばれる生体エネルギーを得ることで、 特定元素を自在に操る特殊能力者。 彼らは世界の歴史の裏で常に暗躍してきた。 私立ミハイロフ学園に通う織部まふゆと山辺燈は、サーシャと呼ばれる ロシア人の少年と出会ったことから、 クェイサーたちの戦いに巻き込まれていく…。
A unaired single episode which is based on chapter 16 of manga centered on Katja. The episode is also called as "Episode #10.5".