Highschool of the Dead, known in Japan as Apocalyptic Academy: Highschool of the Dead (Japanese: 学園黙示録 HIGHSCHOOL OF THE DEAD, Hepburn: Gakuen Mokushiroku Haisukūru obu za Deddo), is a Japanese manga series written by Daisuke Satō and illustrated by Shōji Satō.
立藤美学園は、たった一人の侵入者-〈奴ら〉によって地獄の坩堝と化した! 〈奴ら〉は人を襲い、喰らい、新たなる〈奴ら〉を生みだし学園を席巻。 悪魔の世界と化した学園内で、小室孝と幼馴染の宮本麗、親友の井豪永は、一時避難する。 しかし、麗をかばい〈奴ら〉に噛まれた永は〈奴ら〉と化してしまう・・・・ 残された二人は、他の生き残り、級友の高城沙耶、平野コータ、剣道部主将・毒島冴子、校医の鞠川静香と合流、学園を脱出する決意を固める!彼らに生きのびる術はあるのか!?
Our team of apocalyptic survivors find themselves on a remote island. They drop their guard and the woman begin to have a much needed break while the men search for food. While waiting for the food to cook a chemical is inhaled by the group which causes them to hallucinate, seeing their fleshly desires.