Anime series where the plot resolve around gymnastics.
Schoolgirl Hikari has two loves: rhythmic gymnastics and Ohishi, a schoolmate who is one of the best gymnasts in his league. But Hikari isn't the best gymnast in her school and Hatsuki, the best gymnast, loves Ohishi as well. Natsukawa, Hikari's childhood friend, plays in a band called Mr.D. Over the years, he has come to love Hikari very deeply. Will Hikari gain Ohishi's love? Or will Natsukawa win her over? When a champion in women's gymnastics visits, Hikari yearns to enter a world youth championship for gymnastics. Where will her dream lead her?
時は2002年。かつては強かった日本男子体操界。 体操に人生を注いできた元日本代表、荒垣城太郎(29)は、思うように演技ができなくなっていた。 それでも練習を重ねる日々を送っていたが、ある日コーチの天草から「引退」を勧められてしまう。 悩む城太郎。それを支える娘の玲。 だが、ある『出会い』によって荒垣家の運命は大きく変わっていく。