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  • TheTVDB.com List ID 13593
  • Created By Santaello
  • List Type Custom
  • Favorites 1
  • Created May 2, 2022 by
  • Modified May 2, 2022 by

Action Man (1995)


This animated series features a live action segment of Action Man.



A.T.O.M. (an acronym of Alpha Teens On Machines) is a French animated television series, which chronicles the adventures of five teenagers (the eponymous Alpha Teens), set in the fictional Landmark City. The Alpha Teens, which consist of Axel Manning, Catalina Leone, Crey Kingston, Zack Hawkes, and Ollie Sharker, test prototype vehicles and weapons for Lee Industries, and use these prototypes to combat criminals, particularly the sadistic Alexander Paine.

The Black Corsair


La serie animata Black Pirate è stata creata sulla base del famoso romanzo di Emilio Salgari "The Black Corsair". Il produttore e uno dei principali sceneggiatori è stato Orlando Corradi, presidente dello studio italiano Mondo TV. Potrebbe esserci anche un coinvolgimento di animatori giapponesi. La serie animata racconta allo spettatore del nobile marinaio Emilio Di Roccaner, soprannominato il Pirata Nero, che vuole vendicarsi del governatore di Maracaibo Van Gulden per la morte del fratello, il Pirata Rosso. Tra i soci del protagonista, oltre ai personaggi di fantasia dei marinai Carmo, Van Steeler, il selvaggio Moko e l'arguto pappagallo pirata di Dublino, ci sono anche veri e propri personaggi storici, come il corsaro francese Francois Olone e il signore dell'ostruzionismo mare Henry Morgan (nel film, il primo assistente sulla nave del Pirata Nero).

Christopher Columbus (1992)


1992 marked the quincentenary of Columbus' discovery of America. Christopher Columbus (26 half-hour episodes) is a beautiful and entertaining series that recaptures the time when Columbus first rose to greatness, later to become one of history's greatest catalysts for his eventual discovery of America. Set in the 15th century, this series depicts his marvellous adventures and dramatic life throughout both his childhood, as well as adulthood, until his eventual death. His great faith and courage is sure to inspire a large audience!

Zorro: Generation Z


Zorro: Generation Z is an animated series that began in 2008, based on the character Zorro. The show has been aired in the on POP! on 7 April 2008 and then it was shown on Kix! on 19 May 2008 in the UK. This version features a descendent of the original Zorro, also named Diego De La Vega, fighting crime and the corrupt government of Pueblo Grande in a near-future setting. Zorro: Generation Z has yet to air Stateside. The series has already shown in the Philippines via Hero TV.