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Founded in 2009, ZDFneo is among the 8 most watched German TV channels. The public service broadcaster introduces young viewers between 25 and 49 to the ZDF brand — with its TV program and its free VOD content. The channel offers fiction, shows and factuals with a strong focus on serial entertainment. ZDFneo’s increasing fictional portfolio consists of drama series, crime series like “PERFUME”, and sitcoms. In addition, since 2017, ZDFneo realizes several international co-productions with European partners per year.

English Deutsch
  • ID 517
  • Country Germany
  • Primary Type Network
  • Created September 11, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 4, 2022 by
    Equinox admin
Der Schatten
Helen Dorn
Nix Festes
Bruder–Schwarze Macht
Studio Schmitt
Becoming Charlie
Ich dich auch!
Fett und Fett
Böhmi brutzelt
Bares für Rares
Breaking Even
WatchMe - Sex sells
Die Macht der Kränkung
Eichwald, MdB

There are no movies associated with this company.