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SVT is the Swedish national public television broadcaster, funded by a public service tax on personal income set by the Riksdag (national parliament). Prior to 2019, SVT was funded by a television licence fee payable by all owners of television sets. The Swedish public broadcasting system is largely modelled after the system used in the United Kingdom, and Sveriges Television shares many traits with its British counterpart, the BBC.

  • Sveriges Television
  • Sveriges Television Aktiebolag
English svenska Deutsch
  • ID 402
  • Country Sweden
  • Primary Type Network
  • Created September 11, 2020 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified August 15, 2024 by
Eftersvett och etikett
Kalla krigets fordon
Tvodd med Emma och Johannes
Sveriges städmästare
Lägg ut
Melander & Co
Maten och kroppen
I Morgon Är Det Sovmorgon
Evas Pysselshow
Dagar På Vållö
Manne & Janne
Allan Redo
Öbergs På Lillöga
Skyll inte på mig
Semlons gröna dalar
Kvinnan I Det Låsta Rummet
Grabbarna i 57:an
Fådda Blommor

There are no movies associated with this company.