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Al Arabia Cinema

Founded in the year 2000, Al Arabia Cinema is a leading MENA region film production and distribution company based in Egypt with offices in Dubai. Al Arabia Cinema produced a number of iconic Egyptian movies such as, El Saher, Sahar El Layaly, Al Selem W El Thobaan, Ameer Al Zalam etc. Blockbuster movies such as La Taragoa Wala Esteslam, Zahymer, Teer Enta etc. and award-winning movies such as Rasayel El Bahr. Al Arabia Cinema also owns Renaissance cinemas, operating screens in various locations around Cairo and Alexandria.

  • Arab Film Production and Distribution Company
  • Al Arabia Cinema Production & Distribution
  • Al-Sharikah Al-Arabiyyah
  • El Sherka El Arabeyya Lel Entag Wel Tawzee'
  • El Arabeyya Cinema
English العربية

There are no series associated with this company.

بحب السيما
رسائل البحر
لا تراجع ولا استسلام
شورت وفانلة وكاب
لخمة راس
أيام السادات
معلش احنا بنتبهدل
خارج علي القانون
Dam el ghazal
حين ميسرة
بلطية العايمة
Journals of a Teenager