Laala finds and old priticket in Gloria's office and shows it to Mirei, Sion, Dorothy and Reona, while Gloria finds one of Laala's friend tickets and one of Mirei's in her stash of confiscated pritickets. Gloria confronts the girls, saying she knows they are part of SoLaMi SMILE and attend PriPara against her ruling, but the girls demand to know about the priticket and why she hates PriPara. She tells the girls that when she was their age, she attended PriPara as an idol named Sugar. She also met a friend named Himeka, whose friend ticket Laala found in her office. Gloria and Himeka promised to meet outside PriPara one day, but to Gloria's disappointment Himeka didn't show up. Feeling abandonded Gloria vowed to hate PriPara for the rest of her life. Laala feeling saddened by the story, tells the headmistress she'll perform a live show to remind her of the good times she spent in PriPara. Feeling remorse from SoLaMi SMILE's performance, Gloria makes her way to Prism Stone, breaking her vow never to step within 100 meters of PriPara. To everyones suprise, Gloria finds Himeka waiting outside the shop, who is revealed to be Laala's mother.