Rita is concerned as Sharon sinks into depression. She feels that she needs a fresh start. Curly is furious to find Jackie's changed the locks. Audrey and Gail return from Canada to the news that Leanne is pregnant and Martin is unemployed. Leanne is annoyed by Gail's lack of enthusiasm over the news. Nick is frustrated when Leanne rants on about her never being good enough for Gail. Jackie cooks a meal for Les and lets him crawl over her having rearranged for Tyrone to return home early to spoil Les's fun. She steals money from his wallet and "pays him". Fred is aghast at the idea of the Tilsleys having a baby in his house. Ashley isn't keen either but feels he can't evict them. Les finds his money missing and realises that Jackie has picked his pocket. In revenge he sells Curly a spare set of keys to the new locks.