The world ended on February 29th. In the ruins of Tokyo, gravely wounded Cat-girl and Daddy Eyeball are surrounded by people who have turned into vampires. "This is the end, Cat-girl..." Looming over her, a vampiric Kitaro and Mana. Though the people dearest to her are right in front of her, there's nothing Cat-girl can do. Daddy Eyeball steels his will and summons the Phantom Train. It's a train that can only be called once, at the cost of Daddy Eyeball's life. As Cat-girl jumps aboard, Daddy Eyeball says, "Save the world... Save Kitaro, please..." and then he's engulfed by flames. Where will the Phantom Train take Cat-girl...?!
Misstigri a enfin sauté le pas pour la Saint-Valentin ! C'est alors qu'arrive la fin du monde aux mains des vampires, et son seul salut est le train mystérieux, le Mirage Express...
Um dia especial para a Garota Gato acabou sendo o mesmo que ocasionou uma grande tragédia no mundo.
Neko-Musume schafft es endlich, Kitarō ihre Liebe zu gestehen, doch die Freude währt nicht lange. Eine Vampirepidemie breitet sich auf der ganzen Welt aus und trifft auch Kitarō. Um ihn zu retten, reist Neko-Musume mit dem Phantomzug in der Zeit zurück, doch einmal Geschehenes lässt sich nur schwerlich ändern …