Sir Thomas Hilton, radunati intorno al letto di morte tutti i discendenti, racconta la sua vita e dichiara di volere portare con sé il terribile segreto di famiglia: il potere di trasformare le cellule umane. Dopo la morte e sepoltura del nobile, il notaio procede alla lettura del testamento: il patrimonio dovrà restare intatto e diviso tra tutti in parti uguali, tranne Evelyn, diseredata per l'odio manifestato verso i parenti. Gli eredi, rimasti di comune accordo al castello, si godono l'eredità e s'abbandonano a una ricerca del piacere senza inibizioni.
Sir Thomas Hilton, a rich cynical wine-grower gathers all his descendants around his death bed, tells his life and declares that he wants to bring with him the terrible family secret only he knows: the power to transform human cells. He curses all his family, in particular his children whom he loathed for their material greed. After his death and burial, the notary proceeds to read his testament: the patrimony must remain intact and equally divided among all, with the exception of his sister, Evelyn who deserved to be disinherited for the hatred professed towards relatives. The heirs, who remained in common accord with the castle, enjoy the inheritance and indulge in a search for pleasure without inhibitions. But Evelyn knows the secret that Thomas believed he had brought with him to the grave. Shortly after his burial, one by one, Thomas' relatives, are dying of unnatural causes. Soon, the police is investigating Evelyn who is said to be a modern witch with supernatural powers.
Dans un manoir isolé, le patriarche décède en maudissant sa famille. Les héritiers sont ensuite assassinés petit à petit....
Egy félreeső kastélyban a Hilton pátriárka megátkozza a családját a halála óráján. Hamarosan sok örököst megöl egy furcsa gyilkos egy boszorkány utasításai alapján, aki ismeri Hiltonék titkát.
Sir Thomas Hilton, patriarca de una familia, reúne a todos sus sobrinos para repartir la herencia antes de su inminente muerte. Todos tienen parte de la fortuna excepto Evelyn, quien siempre ha odiado a la familia. Esa noche, en el castillo donde están reunidos, aparece muerto uno de los sobrinos, y todo indica que es por causa de la herencia; aunque hay algo más oscuro que hará presencia más adelante...
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